Life Insurance
Life insurance to many people is one of the most important insurances they have. The thought of losing a loved one is terrifying enough on its own, but to then be left with money problems from not being able to afford the mortgage, bills, living costs and possibly extra childcare, all at the same time after losing the income that, that person brought in, just doesn't bear thinking about.
Although life insurance won't bring back your loved one, it certainly goes a long way to help with the financial burden.
There are different types of life cover depending on your needs, many take it to protect their mortgage so take either a level policy to cover an interest only mortgage, or perhaps a decreasing policy to cover a capital repayment mortgage so the amount you are covered for reduces over time just as your mortgage does. Other examples of life cover are where you might protect your income or outgoings for a set period of time, such as replacing an income until the youngest child reaches an age where they might be financially independent.
Advice in these areas is essential, not only will your adviser ensure the policy set up matches your needs exactly, but can also arrange the policy to be written in trust if required so the proceeds fall outside of the persons estate for inheritance tax reasons.
We also do not charge any fee for arranging life cover so its always best to go through an experienced adviser who can make sure you have the best solution to protect you and your family.